Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Logan's First Day of School

I think I can say without a doubt that I have gotten butterflies in my stomach and had trouble sleeping every night before the first day of school since Kindergarten.  And yes, that includes college, six years of teaching in the classroom, and now Logan's first day of "school."  I'm not sure why I was so anxious about taking him to daycare this morning, but I definitely questioned our decision a couple of times in the last few days.  Does it make sense that I was more nervous about how the workers would take care of him and meet his needs than about how Logan would behave in a new environment?  He goes to the nursery at the YMCA pretty frequently and does just fine, but that's only for an hour at a time.  I was pretty confident that he would be his usual happy self, but you never know...

There are so many rules at a big daycare...it took a little more preparation than just dropping him off at Sally's in his pajamas : )  His diapers had to have his name written on them, his bottles had to be pre-mixed, his clothes had to be labeled with his initials, etc.  I'm just glad I have the summer to get this routine down!  His lead teacher Melissa, is very sweet.  She has her degree in Early Childhood Education and seems to be willing to do for him whatever he needs.  She also reassured me that it was okay if I called to check up on him during the day.  The center also has Internet monitoring so as soon as I get the code I can watch him at home on the computer.  I called after about two hours (I know, I know...I couldn't resist) and guess what he was doing? NAPPING.  I was like...are you sure you have the right child?  Melissa said that they had taken the kids outside on the swings for awhile and he had started to yawn out there.  As soon as they came inside, she laid him down and he went right to sleep...for 2 hours!!! I hope it wasn't a fluke, but that was pretty awesome on the first day.

I went to pick him up around 2:00, so it was about five hours total.  When I dropped Logan off that morning, I knew I would not have to worry about a long tearful goodbye with him running to the door begging me not to leave.  I was able to walk easily out the door and he didn't even notice.  The funny this was when I picked him up though...as soon as I walked in, he turned and saw me.  His lower lip immediately began to quiver and he started crying.  I wasn't sure if that was him not wanting to leave his new friends or because he missed me (I think I'll believe it was the latter).  So...all in all...day one was a success.  Logan didn't miss a beat and I got a haircut, went to the gym for an hour, and worked on a couple of school assignments.  Thank you everyone for supporting me and reassuring me that it was okay to take this time for me.  I think it is going to be good!

1 comment:

Kelly Allen said...

Yay, yay, yay! I am feeling so proud of Logan right now. And I had especially big smiles after reading about his...wait for it...NAP!
School is going to be so great for both of you!

Want to go out for chips and cheese dip to celebrate Friday night? Oh, margaritas too!