Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Fresh Start and a Dirty Diaper

The night before...

Wow...so much has happened in the last week or so, I'm not sure where to even start!  I feel like we are living a different life now that irrigations and ear infections are over...I don't think I realized how stressed and anxious I was about the whole situation.  Now that the anticipation of the surgery, the actual surgery, and the recovery are complete, I feel like our out of control roller coaster is finally coming to a stop. 
According to the surgeon, Logan's surgery could not have gone any better!  Although, the day before the procedure, we were questioning if it would even take place.  The week of the surgery, Logan's ear infection flared up (even with tubes), he had a runny nose, and he was vomitting until late Thursday afternoon.  The pediatrician had put him on Augmentin for his ears, but we think that it was upsetting his stomach.  Either way...I was in a panic that they would not do the surgery if he was still sick on Friday.  Luckily, he kept down his last bottle Thursday night, and seemed to be on the way to recovery the next morning.  I had worried and worried that Friday morning would be a battle since Logan was not allowed to eat formula or solids after midnight and only clear liquids until 9:00.  We arrived at the hospital around 11:00, but the procedure wasn't scheduled until 1:00.  I don't know why I was worried though... our little angel never cried or fussed the entire morning.  He was smiling the whole time and showing off some of his new crawling skills in the big bed.  All of his grandparents made it to the hospital in time to give him kisses before they wheeled him away to the operating room.  I wish I had taken a picture of that scene though.  He was dressed in this too big bright purple gown with space ships on it...his hair was all curly and poofed up in the front, and he had is right arm holding on to the side of the bed like "Okay, that was fun, but where do you think you are taking me now?"  Pretty adorable.

In the waiting room...still happy
The surgery was expected to take 3-4 hours so we packed as many magazines with "William and Kate" on the cover as we could find and got comfortable in the waiting room.  Exactly three hours later, the nurse reported that Logan was out of surgery and she would take us to our new room.  When Logan first came back to us, he was completely out of it.  Occasionally, he'd open his eyes for like five seconds, and then the weight of them would pull them shut.  It was at least three hours before he was semi-alert and reconized us (he was on some pretty strong pain medication at that point).  If you've ever had to stay the night at Scottish Rite, then you know that there is only one futon like bed in the room.  It's defnitely a tight squeeze for two people.  Logan was not the happiest camper that night so I ended up sleeping in his "cage" next to him.  It was literally like our own little prison cell three feet off the ground.  It was actually was good to be in there because I could ask what medicine they were giving him and be right there when he'd wake up crying.  Needless to say, it was a long night (well, make that two nights...although, Olin slept in the cage one night too!)

Coming out of surgery

Saturday and Sunday came and went with lots of cafeteria food (albeit a little food poisoning for Olin), some visits from friends and family, and tons of POOP.  It was crazy...Logan began "going" almost immediately after he came back from surgery.  We probably changed at least three dirty diapers that night.  You have never seen two people more excited about poop than me and Olin.  I mean, it has really been since like the first few days as a newborn that Logan pooped on his own.  I can honestly say that in sixteen months, I never had to change a dirty diaper in public! I swore I would never complain about changing poopy diapers again, and so far, I haven't! 

Asleep in the wagon after a trip to the Koi Pond and cafeteria

It's just so good to see Logan feeling well.  You can just tell he feels better.  I can't imagine what he must have felt like for the last almost year and a half...constipated all of the time...pretty miserable.  The only bad thing has been the diaper rash.  His poor little butt is so red.  It's like someone who has never worked out and has blisters on their feet from not being used to exercising.  His bottom is not used to the constant sh*t that is coming out of it.  It will probably just take a little time for his skin to adjust...until then, we are stocked up on diaper cream!  He had three incisions made on his stomach...one in his belly button, and one on each side of his tummy.  You can't even see the belly button scar anymore, and the two other ones are healing great.  After just one day, Logan was only taking Tylenol for the pain.  For such a little guy, his strength is pretty amazing.  Of course he had a few fussy moments over the weekend, but for the most part, you would never have been able to tell that he'd had surgery just a few days earlier.  Although one doctor got our hopes up for leaving on Mother's Day, we didn't get discharged until Monday.  They just wanted to be sure he was eating and keeping everything down okay.  When we got home, it seemed almost like a dream...or a movie that I had watched of someone else's life.  Logan was doing so well...until I'd smell his dirty diaper, or he'd lift his shirt to show off his new scars, I would forget where we had spent the last three days. 

Check out my scars ladies!

Ready to go home!

I cannot tell you how happy I am that everything went so well for Logan, and that it is over.  I'm still in awe that removing just six inches of his intestine was the trick to getting everything to work properly.  I asked Olin if we should have a burial ceremony for the irrigation catheter : )  I think both of us still have a tiny bit of doubt that this poop extravaganza will be short-lived, but I think it is here to stay!  YAY!   

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers over the last few months.  Your kind words of encouragement have helped lift us on our low days.  We are so thankful for the wonderful doctors and nurses at Scottish Rite who took care of us, and we are so thankful for sweet little Logan and his new and improved colon : )

A quick healer


Anonymous said...

Yay, yay, yay! What a little champ! We're so proud of him and happy for all three of you. we love you guys!

the Allens

Caroline D'Huyvetter Carr said...

I'm SO HAPPY for you guys, especially little Logan - I bet he is feeling so much better in his poor tummy. Have a wonderful last couple weeks of school and let me know any time you're willing to let me do an Arnold Family photo shoot this summer!

Laurin DeSart said...

So happy everything was so successful- sounds like he is doing great!

The Arnolds said...

Thank you so much! We are so thankful for a successful surgery. I've never been so happy about poop!