Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sweet, Sweet Sleep, oh How I Missed Thee!

Tubes tomorrow! We are so excited that Logan is going in tomorrow morning to get tubes in his ears.  Hopefully, this minor procedure will bring back our sweet boy for good and keep him ear infection free! 

The road to get tubes has not been an easy one this week though.  The ENT put him back on Bactrum (an antibiotic) when his infection flared up last Friday.  He had taken this medicine previously for three straight weeks with no problem.  However, it was a different story this time.  When Logan's grandparents watched him last weekend, they said he was spitting the medicine out and gagging on it.  It was the same ordeal when he got home.  Just the sight of the medicine bottle would freak him out...let alone trying to put it in his mouth.  I thought that maybe he had decided grape was not his flavor anymore, so I had the pharmacy add bubble gum flavor to it.  Unfortunately, that did not help and it only made the smell worse.

 During the daytime, Sally said it was like a minute he would be fine and then the next minute he would be unlike him.  At was a nightmare.  For four straight nights, we started bedtime at 6:30 (irrigation, bath, bottle) and did not get the little man to sleep until 12:30!  It was like he was possessed though.  He was screaming at the top of his lungs, red in the face, and made himself so hot that we had to change his shirt from the sweat.  Nothing would calm him down except rocking in the glider.  As soon as we made a move to put him in the crib, the whole process started over.  We kept thinking...we'll let him cry it out, he's got to be exhausted at this point.  But even that didn't work.  We felt so guilty because we knew he wasn't feeling well, but what else could we do?  He had been fed, had his antibiotic and Tylenol...what else was there to do? 

Well, finally on Thursday, Sally, his babysitter sent me an email at school.  She said that Olin had brought Logan's medicine in a bag that day, and she noticed the prescription for Bactrum.  She said that her daughter had been prescribed this medicine like 25 years ago, and it gave her horrible nightmares and made her just wild...not like herself.  Then Sally said that she had been on Batrum herself and it made her dizzy and nauseous.  By coincidence, Sally's husband is currently taking Bactrum and said the taste was horrible and he was having trouble sleeping too.  Sally suggested that maybe this medicine was part of the problem we were having with him.  So I called the ENT to check about this and he said we didn't have to give it to him Thursday night since he would be seeing him on Friday morning for pre-op.  Well, wouldn't you know...Logan went right to sleep that night and slept for 8 hours straight.  The next day Sally said that her sweet baby boy was back to acting like himself.  I can't believe it took us so long to realize that the medicine was causing him to act so crazy.  Who knew?  Thank goodness for Sally's comments.  We might be still trying to squeeze that medicine down his throat if she hadn't said anything!  It sure would be nice for the doctors to give us a heads up about things like this.  You know...possible side effects of the medicine!

As I write, Logan is sound asleep upstairs in his crib!  Looks like I will have my spot back in my own bed.  That's a good thing too because my mom is staying with me until Friday while Olin is out of town for work.  She is going to take care of Logan tomorrow after his surgery.  I am so glad to have her help this week.  There is lots going on at school with CRCT this week, but on the bright side, I finished my last assignment for my graduate course last night.  Only three more classes to go and then I will be planning a graduation party : ) Hopefully, now I will have more time to blog during the week so my posts won't be so long.  One last thing...we have Logan's other pre-op appointment with the surgeon for his pull-through surgery on Thursday 4/28.  We are hopefully to have the surgery the next week (May 6th).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bless your heart. Poor Logan, so glad to hear he is better and will have much relief after tomorrow. Hang in there girl, you and Olin are the best parents!!!