Thursday, March 17, 2011

Air Logan

Back to the doctor again this afternoon to check on Logan's double ear infection.  I swear our copays are keeping our pediatrician in business this year!  Five visits since January 31.  On Tuesday night, Logan pulled another near all nighter. That's what made me question that this 4th antibiotic had not cleared things up.  I mean, they usually start working after five days, right?  Looking back (now with some sleep), it was a little funny how we all ended up squished in the bed at 3AM.  I wish I had a picture of the sleeping arrangement... Olin snoring on one side, Logan snoring on the other, and Mommy hanging on for dear life at the edge of the bed with no pillow! The craziest thing is how long Logan can stay awake without a nap.  He was going on like 16 hours with no shut eye! I think it was the alternating does of Motrin and Tylenol that finally put him to sleep! 

Sherri came on Wednesday for PT.  Logan always surprises me with a great therapy session even when he's under the weather.  Our main focus in therapy right now is to get him mobile and realizing that he can move on his own.  Yesterday we practiced transitioning from a high kneel to standing while holding on to a ledge.  Sherri is great because she shows us how to modify the things we have at home to match the functions of her "official" equipment.  Logan worked his little quads and triceps really Insanity!  He even supported himself on all fours for about 8 seconds! Sherri called him "Air Logan" because there was space underneath his belly instead of it touching the ground : )  I had never seen him do that before...pretty cool.  He looked so grown up.  I'm just going to die when he starts crawling!  Lately he's been reaching out for his toes a lot more.  He also mimicked something I did with his toys the other day.  I pulled the lever on his "music stage" toy to play the horn.  I clicked it like ten times in a row while he watched me.  After I let go, he reached right over and did it himself.  He'd pull...then let it click.  Eventually he had himself cracking up at the noise.  It was so sweet to watch! 

At the doctor this afternoon, his infections had pretty much cleared up.  However, they did a Tympanometry test to check for fluid in his ears.  Unfortunately, the doctor said there was still tons of fluid in the ear just waiting to turn into another infection! Great : (  So, he put Logan on a 5th antibiotic, more as a maintenance medicine to ward off any more infections.  We were scheduled to see the ENT on the 28th, but the doctor worked some magic and got us in tomorrow afternoon.  He didn't want us to wait that long. quickly can they schedule him in for tubes?  I'm week???  I can't handle the no sleep, then wake up at 5:00 routine for much longer.  I say this as Logan is still awake watching basketball with us right now...thank goodness for March Madness.  Unfortunately, I think Logan could have picked a better bracket than me this year!  Thanks Louisville.

More updates tomorrow after the ENT appt!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Looks at those thighs! he is so strong! Go logan!!!