Thursday, March 3, 2011

Defying the Odds

"Exceed"...the verb of choice at school.  As a fifth grade teacher, my kids must "meet" or "exceed" the standard on their state tests to be promoted to sixth grade.  Usually this word gives me some level of anxiety.  But not today.  Today "exceed" is exactly what Logan did.  His physical therapist said that he is far "exceeding" her expectations.  The progress he has made in 6 short weeks with her is off the charts.  It really is hard to believe how far he's come since our first visit with her on January 15.  She says we are going to "defy the odds."  There is no stopping this little man.   
Today was so exciting.  Sherri brought a new piece of equipment (you can see in the video) to the house.  Her goal was to have Logan sit on the bolster (the red and black tube) and try to reach out for the handle.  What came next was most surprising...Logan pulled himself up to a standing himself!!!  He loves to stand and "dance" and pulls up on our fingers to help him stand, but I never expected him to just do it all in one simple motion.   To see his hands open and him reaching over the handle was amazing.  Sherri said that she can tell it's all starting to click.  The cognitive and physical aspects are starting to work together.  He's using bilateral integration (I sound so intelligent, don't I?) which means both hands are doing something different...or both sides of his body.  Sherri is really teaching us so much.  I would have never known all of these little things had to happen first before the big ones would come (like crawling and walking).  She has made me practice every move on the floor so that I can see what it feels like for, the simple things we take for granted.  It really hits me when we're at the park and I see kids running around, sliding down a slide, or digging in the sand.  For them it is so develops naturally.  But for Logan, we basically have to teach him everything in terms of how to use his body.  In addition to pulling up today, he was side sitting and reaching out for objects.  Every week I know we are getting closer and closer to crawling.  I can't even imagine the celebration we will have when that happens.  It makes me giddy just to think about it.

I was such a proud mama today.  Logan worked so hard and kept a happy face the whole time...he even worked right through his afternoon bottle.  The whole experience was even better because Olin came home early from work today and was able to witness Logan's new moves firsthand.  I think Olin's mouth was hanging open the first time Logan pulled up!  At the end of the appointment, the little guy was so pooped.  This picture was taken before Sherri had even left the house! 
Sherri left her equipment with us to use for the next week since she will be out of town.  I can't wait to practice some more tomorrow.  I've heard it all the time from moms who say that each new stage is their "favorite."  I definitely think this stage is my favorite right now! 

1 comment:

Adrienne Sokolowski said...

I just love that picture of Logan all tuckered out. He is just too cute! We are so proud of him and excited that he is making such amazing progress!!! Keep up the good work Jackie and Olin!