Tuesday, February 15, 2011

All You Need is Love

This might sound obnoxious, and I might come off sounding like "that" mom, but I want to remember all of the little things about Logan right now that make me love him so much.  He is changing so quickly that I just want to capture this moment in time.

25 Things I Love About Logan Patrick Arnold...
1.  His floppy earlobes...never seen any like em'.  We once thought we'd get them pinned back when he
     got older- not a chance now.  I can't imagine them any differently.
2.  His feet...how his toes on the left foot overlap and fight to be on top!
3.  His Darth Vader voice in the morning....Luke, I am your father.
4.  The way he looks up and grins at me when I go in to get him out of the crib in the morning
5.  The way he bounces and dances in your lap, especially if you play reggae music
6.  The way he tucks and rolls from front to back...the look of shock and excitement on his face is priceless
7.  His dimply butt...Olin wanted to paint it white and make him a golf ball for Halloween : )
8.  Those thighs I just want to take a bite out of (possibly the size of a small five year olds!)
9.  The way he scratches everything with his thumb first and then the rest of his fingers
10. His dimple when I tickle his chin with my nose
11.  The way he shrieks with happiness when the wind blows against his face
12.  How hard he tries to do his physical therapy exercises...boy is he worn out after those workouts!
13.  When he "holds court" in his highchair and tells me all about his day. 
14.  The way he fights his naps because he doesn't want to miss any of the action around him
15.  No separation anxiety...he lets anyone hold him
16.  The way he laughs when Olin throws him in the air at night...from fussy to happy in an instant
17.  His constant scissor kicks...he does them anytime he's on his back.  Abs of Steel baby!
18.  The way he reaches out his arms and opens his mouth for his bottle when he's super hungry
19.  The way he furrows his eyebrows at someone new, and then looks for me or Olin to say "that person is         okay"
20.  His "swoop"...I've tried to get my hair to do that for 15 years and his comes naturally
21.  The perfect "swirl" on the back of his head
22.  The way he pats his tummy and pulls on his belly rolls while we change his diaper
23.  His sneezes...always at least two at a time- we can thank Grumps for that
24.  The way he can't wear pants with buttons (well technically he can, but it makes ME uncomfortable to              watch him in them!)
25.  His unconditional love

This list will forever be a work in progress, but at least I've started it.  I guess I was feeling extra lovey after Valentine's Day : )

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Awwww...you've inspired me to be mindful of the things i love about lily and hank. It's the littlest things, right?