Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mommies Need Their Mommies Too

What is it about being with your mom that seems to make everything feel like it's going to be alright? (at least temporarily)  It's like a mom power or something.   When I'm having a really rotten day, all I want is to be twelve again lying on the couch with my mom running her fingers through my hair.   Will I ever be too old for this?  I hope not.  I can picture my mom being like 85 and me being 55 sitting with my head in her lap.  Well, luckily we're not that old yet, but we still assumed those roles this weekend when she came to hang out : )

Logan's babysitter was sick on Sunday so my mom was sweet enough to drive up that afternoon and watch Logan the next day.  I know she had fun with him, but he can wear you out...especially if he decides that it's a "No Nap" kind of day.  We joke that ZuZu has magic dust that she sprinkles over her grandsons when they visit. For whatever reason, Jack, Eddie, and Logan (and mommy) seem to sleep really well at her house.  The ZuZu dust wasn't working so well on Monday though.  Logan did eventually fall asleep for an hour or so at like 3:00.  That can still make for a really long day!  Unfortunately, it's been a really long week already...I hate when Monday feels like it should already be Friday (yeah, it's been that kind of week).  I guess it's the stress of Logan's biopsy results, work, my Masters course, everything, that has me super emotional this week.  I feel like crying over everything  Yes, I am crying right now a little and my head is pounding from the earlier waterworks.  Olin and I have been disagreeing a lot about things this week. We joked that I can't blog about the one thing I probably need to...him.  I might have to get a diary for that : )  Marriage is hard in itself, but then bring aboard a baby, then give that baby special can make for some stressful times.  We are naviagting these new waters as best we can. I just read a good quote though that I thought we should adopt " ‘Don't hack at your boat in a storm."  Makes pretty good sense. 

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