Sunday, February 20, 2011

It Will Be Like Brushing Our Teeth - Well, Sort Of

Logan had a day of doctor appointments on Thursday.  First stop was his 12 month (now 13 month) check up.  Our usual pediatrician wasn't working, but I said we'd see anyone since I'd already taken the day off of work for something else.  We ended up seeing our original pediatrician from this group.  When Logan was born, I didn't feel like this guy took me seriously when I went in there, so we changed to another doctor within the same practice.  I'll never forget this doctor saying after one of our first visits, "Looks like a normal kid to me."  I wonder what he thinks now. 

Unfortunately, Logan's ear infection was back from a couple of weeks ago.  The doctor prescribed a little stronger medicine so hopefully it will clear up quickly and make him less congested.  Poor baby cannot breathe through his nose.  Thank goodness he doesn't mind the blue snot sucker thing.  In fact, he laughs when we do it.  I don't know many kids who do that!  The doctor had me panicking for a moment though.  After the nurse pricked his toe to test his iron level, the doctor returned and asked if Logan had been sick recently because his white blood cell count was high.  Immediately, I thought of my dear friend whose mother-in-law was just diagnosed with leukemia.  It all started with her counts high.  Thankfully, his white blood cells were elevated because of the ear infection.  I think my stomach turned upside down for a moment though. 

The little (well, not so little) man weighed in at 22 lb. 2 oz.  This was the 50%tile.  He measured 29.5 inches (25-50%tile).   This is good news...the PT doesn't want his height and weight to be more than a 25% difference.  Unfortunately, because of the ear infection, they would not give Logan his shots.  I guess that means another visit next week!

 After that fun appointment, Logan actually came home and took an hour nap!  Just long enough to fold some clothes and grade some papers.   Then we were off to meet Olin at the pediatric surgeon's office for our consultation about his "pull through" surgery.  We went prepared...with a list of about 20 questions.  The most important question was if we could wait until the summer to have the procedure done.  We decided it would just be too stressful to try to do it while I was still working, and spring break would be pushing it.  Dr. B said it would be fine to wait until summer (it's been 13 months already...what's a couple more?)  Basically, Logan doesn't have the cells in his intestine that help him poop.  That's why he gets so constipated and strains so much.  With the "pull through" surgery, they will literally pull the bad part of his intestine out through his bottom, cut it off, and then reattach it.  He will be in the hospital 3-4 days just so they can give him IV antibiotics and make sure the procedure worked.   According to the doctor, we should see improvements in his bowel patterns immediately.  So, all in all, it doesn't sound too terribly bad.  The worst part is actually going to be the 3 months leading up to the surgery.  So that his colon is clean and doesn't become enlarged, Olin and I have to give Logan daily suppositories and baby enemas 2 times a week.  Does that sound like fun or what? As of tonight, we are 3 suppositories and 1 enema down, about 90 more to go.  Ugh.

It was actually pretty comical giving him the first enema tonight.  I was quite surprised to find only one package of baby enemas at Walgreens.  Somebody else out there must be doing this to their child too.  That made me feel a little better.  We had no idea what to expect as far as results.  We we hold him out over the toliet, put him in the tub, lay him on a towel?  In the end, we laid him on the changing table with a garbage bag underneath him!  Needless to say, Logan was not a huge fan of the enema, but it did work, and hopefully it will just get easier and easier as he gets more and more cleaned out.  He has to feel better afterwards...poor little guy.  So...if you are bored around 7:00, you are more than welcome to come to the Arnold house for a poop party.  It will be a daily occurence...kind of like brushing your teeth.  You just have to do it!  As much as we wish Logan didn't have to have this surgery, hopefully once it's done, he will be good to go!

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