Monday, January 24, 2011

Biopsies and Bloody Noses

Lots to update since last time...Logan's procedure went well on Friday.  The alarm clock went off pretty early (especially for Olin).  We had to be at Scottish Rite by 6:30 A.M.   Our nurses and doctors were great.  Logan didn't mind too much being awake with no food.  He started getting restless by about 8:00, but they actually started twenty minutes early so he was okay.  He's such a little person now.  Last night I asked my sister if I could still call him my baby since he's one, and she said yes.  So I will probably call him Baby Logan until he's 10!  I still have this vision in my head of him tucked under the sheet and being rolled down the hallway.  He had this little purple hospital gown (I think that's the first time he's ever worn purple!) and his little arms were sticking up over the blanket.  If he hadn't been getting ready to go under, I would've taken a picture.  It was pretty cute.  They didn't let Olin or I back during the anesthesia this time...probably for the best.  So, Olin and I went down to the cafeteria and had some breakfast, caught up on SportsCenter.  I don't know...I guess since this is the fourth time Logan's been under anesthesia or sedation, and he's handled it so well, we weren't too worried.  We just tried to pass the time as quickly as we could. 

The procedure was done in about an hour and a little after that they brought Logan back to us.   I hate nothing more than IVs in the hand.  I remember having my gallbladder taken out and they had to put an IV in my hand.  I wanted to pass out.  I'd rather give birth than get an IV put in.  Logan was pretty out of his element when he got back to us.  He wouldn't drink the apple juice they gave us so he couldn't have his formula yet.  Poor guy was just screaming his head off.  I get so flustered when he cries like that because it happens so infrequently.  He eventually burped a bunch, so I think he just had some bubbles that were hurting him.   Then, as if on command, he took a really big poop.  I promise I will not write all about poop all of the time, but poop is pretty exciting to us right now.  Anyways, we finally got out of there by about 11:30.  Not too bad.  We got home, Logan took another poop ; ) and all three of us sacked out on the couch.  Oh, how I have missed my naps!  People who know me know how important naps used to be in my life.  I rarely went a day without one.   This 3 hour siesta was incredible!

Saturday was a pretty regular day.  Olin did "man" stuff in the yard, like using a machete to hack down some briars by the creek.  He's been wanting soooo badly to use the chainsaw to cut down the dying Bradford Pears in our yard, but I insisted he have a buddy come help him out.   The last thing I want to do is spend the afternoon in the ER because of a chainsaw accident.   Fastforward to about 10:30 that night.  Olin was out at a work get together.  Logan was having a hard time settling down (very unlike him).  I'm blaming it on the anethesia or maybe teething (poor baby is still gummy and toothless) but he would not calm down.  The usual tricks were not working.  As I bent down to pull him out of the crib, something whacked me across the nose...his head, a hand, I'm not sure.  But as soon as I sat down to feed him a little, I felt my nose dripping.  Although it was dark, I could still make out the blood.  My first bloody nose via Baby Logan.  One of the people we have met through out Mowat-Wilson support group on google, said her  husband bought her a hockey mask to protect her face (and nose job) because her little girl can be aggressive sometimes.  Logan didn't mean to do it this time, but is sure did hurt.  While trying to hold up his bottle, all I could think was "Please God, do not let blood get on our white carpet and chair."  Luckly, he answered my pray!  I did, however, drip some on to Logan's hand, and of course by the time I got something to wipe it up with, he had put his face right in it.  It looked like someone had given him a bloody lip!  Still unsettled, I took him to our bed to see if SportsCenter might do the trick (it usually does).  No such luck.  Finally, I called Olin and pleaded "Please come home."  Well, those might not have been my exact words : ) but he did come home (with Tylenol) and eventually Logan fell asleep for the night. was some night. 

Even today though, he seems to be a bit out of sorts.  Sally, his babysitter, agreed.  Hopefully, all of the anesthesia or whatever it is will run its course.  Logan's grandparents are planning to kidnap him for the weekend so I hope he's back to his normal self by then.  A totally free weekend is ahead.  So far Olin and I have established a date night for Friday.  I'm not sure I remember what that is.  We've definitey gone out without Logan plenty of times, but it's always for a party or a wedding.  Friday is just for us.  I'm really looking forward to it.  Hopefully, biopsy results will be in tomorrow.  We are very optimistic about not having to do another surgery, but we'll know for sure soon!

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