Monday, January 31, 2011

Triple Whammy

Wow, just went from major high to major low in a period of less than 24 hours.  First the good stuff or else I'll forget.  Olin and I had a fun date night on Friday.  We checked out "The Social Network" at the dollar theater (I'll never go anywhere else again) and then went to Marlow's Tavern for a drink.  It was nice just being the two of us and not having to worry about rushing home to the baby.  I don't think we've enjoyed that much uninterrupted conversation in a long time.  The weather was so gorgeous outside this weekend, I had to put on my shoes and go to the Roswell Rec for a run on Saturday.  It's been a long time since I've done that.  It was so nice even though I realized my 45 minutes or so on the treadmill is nothing compared to actually running outside...a little wake up call there.  Saturday night was spent with fantastic friends.  We hung out in Brookhaven and it turned into a slumber party.  So fun to just be with the girls for a night with no responsibilities : ) 

The good times couldn't last forever though, right?  Logan started getting a runny nose/congestion/watery eye when he got home on Sunday.  I hoped it was just from being a little tired from his fun weekend with the grandparents.  But, Olin said that he was grabbing his ear that night when he was having his bottle.  I was praying that he would be well enough to take to Sally's in the morning because it is so hard to get a sub and make lesson plans at the last minute.  Well, Logan did not go to sleep last night until like 11:30 (started at 7:00).  Everytime he would get close, he'd wake himself up with snot bubbles or choking on his phlem (sorry).  By 5:30 A.M. he was awake with one eye completely crusted shut.  I should have just called in right then, but it didn't seem to bother him; he was all smiles.  I just wiped it off.  Well, Sally emailed me around 10:00 and said he just wasn't having it today!  I knew it must have been bad if she was calling me at school.  I gave a quick call to the pediatrician, and we were in at 1:45.  Diagnosis:  ear infection and pink eye. So fun.  Hopefully, with these antibiotics he'll be feeling better quickly.  Luckily, Olin is going to be able to stay home with him tomorrow.  So, that was the double whammy.  There's still more.

We've been waiting since last week for the results of Logan's biopsy.  This was to determine if he has Hirschprung's disease.  The surgeon even said we were basically doing this last biopsy to confirm that he did not have it.  Since the biopsy, Logan has been "going" regularly, so we've been really optimistic.  Well, the doctor and I finally stopped playing phone tag today.  I think he called around 4:30 or so.  And, basically Logan's biopsy showed no ganglion cells (these are needed to move things along in the system) and large nerve trunks...both indicators of Hirschprung's.  The doctor said he was shocked; he'd been sure that Logan didn't have it.  I kept telling the doctor how much Logan has been going and he said it is probably just a temporary side effect from the biopsy.  I'll leave out all the fun medical terms, but you get the idea.  Anyways, where we're at now, the surgeon wants to see us back in 4-6 weeks if he is continuing his pooping party, and in 1-2 if he doesn't and things taper off like before.  If this is the case, he thinks Logan will need the "pull through" surgery to treat the Hirschprung's.  I'm too tired to explain the surgery, but it's not pretty.  You can look it up.  I just don't know what we're going to do.  Obviously, nothing is happening immediately and we have a million questions still to be answered.  We've read that with the surgery it's not a 100% guarantee that he won't still need other "assistance" to help him go #2. Is the surgery and the risk worth it then?  So, right now it's just a waiting game to see if the diapers keep filling up.  We hope so.  Triple whammy today.  And it was raining ...what a sucky Monday : (

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